the Addictionary dictionary

The world’s
first and only
dictionary for addicts
and their
friends families and
addiction recovery sponsors

6 suggestions
a set of 6 secular suggestions that when carefully and thoughtfully followed defeat relapse and result in freedom from addiction suffering
Adhering to the 6 suggestions is like following an agenda-less roadmap to addiction recovery and a better life.
The 6 suggestions is a method for transforming suffering addicts into recovering addicts
and defeating relapse.

12 Steps
a set of 12 Christianity-based steps that when carefully and thoughtfully followed defeat relapse and result in freedom from addiction suffering
Adhering to the 12 Steps is like following a proven roadmap to addiction recovery and a better life.
The 12 Steps is a recipe for transforming suffering addicts into recovering addicts and defeating relapse.

to acknowledge patiently without opposition or resistance
I learned to accept the things I can not change.

a person who is addicted, particularly to a harmful drug
She is an alcohol addict.
He is a drug addict.
They are chocolate chip cookie addicts.
An addict is a special person who is chosen by the almighty universe–one of universe’s chosen ones–chosen to suffer great traumas and many struggles, in order to recover from addiction and emerge strong enough to pass along his or her learned wisdom and positive energy to the rest of humanity and back into the universe.

Because addicts love what they are addicted to more than anything or anyone else, they typically hold onto false beliefs until they hit bottom and are forced to face the reality that the love of their life does not love them at all.
Every year, 150,000,000 suffering
addicts hit bottom around the world and decide that it’s time to become a recovering addict.
Until a suffering drug
addict or alcohol addict (alcoholic) hits bottom and decides to become a recovering addict, and then learns from an addiction recovery sponsor how to become a non-relapsing recovering addict, his addiction will inevitably spiral down to either jail/prison, a mental institution or an early death; and, somewhere along the way, relapsing addicts always end up losing their jobs, all of their friends and lovers, and, finally, their families give up on them too.

having a biochemical addiction; devoted to or obsessed with something
She is addicted to chocolate chip cookies.
He is addicted to sex, drugs and rock’n’roll.

a state that is characterized by compulsive drug use (alcohol is a drug) or compulsive engagement in rewarding behavior, despite negative consequences; a habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes or shortens one’s life but when ceased causes trauma.
His addiction caused him to lose everything he valued, including his life.

Addictionary™ dictionary
the world’s first dictionary for addicts
My mother (rest in peace) would be so proud that her son finally stopped sittin’ on the couch, drinking beer, smokin’ shit, watchin’ Wheel of Fortune and waitin’ on a re-up, and finally amounted to somethin’ by creating the Addictionary dictionary.

AddictionShift™ disorder
disorder that describes a mental health syndrome that occurs when addicts change from addiction to one thing to another
Due to AddictionShift disorder, he went from an unmanageable addiction to drugs and alcohol to an unmanageable Facebook, Google and sugar addiction.
Because he failed to follow the traditional 12 Steps and GetAFuckingSponsor, he suffers from AddictionShift disorder.
Anonymous has a buddy who admitted he was powerless over alcohol and, although he completely stopped drinking alcohol nearly 20 years ago, he never got a sponsor or worked the traditional 12 Steps. Due to AddictionShift disorder, Anonymous’ buddy now suffers from severe Hoarding disorder, a clinically recognized mental health condition (ICD-11, 2018), although he denies having the condition. Today, when I visit my buddy, I have to pee on a bush outside, because his house is too full for me to go pee inside.

Addicts who become addicted to repeating Old Rehab stays suffer from the most costly form of AddictionShift disorder.

addictive – 1
causing or tending to cause addiction; habit-forming
These are addictive drugs.

addictive – 2
Have you seen that new TV show? It’s so addictive.

addictive – 3
characterized by or susceptible to addiction.
He has an addictive personality.

confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance
I admit that I am powerless over my addiction.

something which is done or is to be done; business of any kind, commercial, professional or public
These are difficult affairs to manage.
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

the belief that absolute truth or ultimate certainty is unattainable, particularly regarding knowledge not based on objective truth
Because he is agnostic when it comes to movies, he has no opinion on whether Star Trek is better than Star Wars.

a person addicted to alcohol
All alcoholics are addicts, but not all addicts are alcoholics.

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.)
a self-supporting organization of alcoholic people, which provides mutual support to
obtain and maintain sobriety
Need help with a drinking problem? Alcoholics Anonymous has a solution.

a chronic disease caused by compulsive and uncontrollable consumption of alcoholic beverages, leading to addiction and deterioration in health and social functioning
Her alcoholism caused her to lose everything she valued.

a collection of ordered steps that solve a mathematical problem, usually performed by a computer
Every time you see an advertisement on your computer, your phone or TV, or hear government propaganda, an algorithm is attempting to control one or more of your beliefs by manipulating one or more of your cognitive biases.

the whole quantity
To help her practice these principles in all her affairs, she meditated every morning.

concerned with the interest of others more than one’s own; community-minded
During his transformation from a suffering addict into a recovering addict, he became more and more allocentric.

regard for others without regard for oneself; devotion to the interests of others; brotherly kindness
Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for the happiness of other human beings or other animals, resulting in better quality of life, both material and spiritual.

an act of righting a wrong
He made amends for the damage and no charges were filed.
If you are an addict, never say “I’m sorry”; make amends instead, because everyone who knows that you are an addict already knows you are a sorry son-of-a-bitch.
To make amends, you say “I know that what I did was wrong. What can I do to make it right?” and then you shut up! Say. Nothing. More. Until after you hear a response, if any, to your question. Response or no response, you have made your amends, and it’s time to move on to whatever is next on your list of things to do.

of unknown name; whose name is withheld
The anonymous contributors to Wikipedia.

a mental health disorder where a person demonstrates the inability to recognize his or her own illness or handicap; an unconscious inability to notice that a problem exists
Anosognosia patients do not agree that they need treatment because they do not notice their own illness.
Because he suffered from anosognosia he refused treatment, although it was plain for everyone else to see that he is an addict.

He had a broken leg, but refused treatment for it because he was suffering from anosognosia.

antisocial – 1
unwilling or unable to cooperate and associate normally with other people
Antisocial propaganda keeps her from associating normally with other people.

antisocial – 2
antagonistic, hostile or unfriendly toward others; menacing
Antisocial propaganda makes him unfriendly toward others.

antisocial – 3
opposed to social order or the principles of society; hostile toward society
Antisocial propaganda causes them to oppose the fundamental principles of our society.

a set of pieces that work together in unison as a mechanism or device
In order to change the bearing, you must first remove the gearbox assembly.

belief that no deities exist
Because of his atheism, she thought he would get struck by lightning upon entering her church.

lack of initiative or goals; one of the negative symptoms of severe substance use disorder
He wants help with his severe substance use disorder but, due to his avolition, his desire to do anything about his severe substance user disorder is without power or energy.

rousing from sleep, in a natural or figurative sense; rousing into activity; exciting
He had a spiritual awakening.

puzzling, perplexing, bewildering
Addiction is baffling.

human conduct related to social norms
Since babies and children are too young to understand social norms, they should never be punished or shamed for bad behavior, since such treatment can lead to mental health disorders later in life, including addiction, depression, grandiosity and anxiety.

mental acceptance of a claim as true
My belief is that there is a bear in the woods, because Bill said he saw one.

having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love for mankind; altruistic, charitable, good, just or fair
One way to figure out if a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity is as truly benevolent as it claims to be is to review its tax returns which are posted for all to see at
Truly benevolent 501(c)(3) non-profit charities file regular honest tax returns and do not amass obscenely large amounts of money in their bank and stock market accounts and call that money “a healthy reserve.”

a predisposition to react or react in a particular way
His mind was of a technical bent.

the process of becoming different
He realized that he needed to change his beliefs if he was going to stay off drugs.

a complex of traits marking a person, group, breed, or type
A study of the suspect’s character and his cast iron alibi ruled him out.

cognitive bias
a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment in humans
Instead of relying on objective truth, cognitive bias causes individuals to create their own subjective truth from the information they receive, resulting in distorted behavior, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation and irrationality.
Since the generic store brand shortening is actually identical to Crisco® shortening, she wasted money buying Crisco® shortening, due to her cognitive bias.
Because false advertising (i.e., lying) by corporations is illegal in the United States, cognitive bias is instead programmed into computer algorithms that are used in advertising to systematically control what people believe, how people make decisions and how people decide to act.
Facebook, Google and TV advertising manipulate cognitive bias to stoke an outrage machine that has supplanted old-fashioned public discourse.
Half the world’s people want to kill the other half, and vice versa, as a result of cognitive bias manipulation.
Lying to its citizens (i.e., government propaganda) by the United States government has been legal since the Patriot Act passed following the September 11, 2001 and subsequent anthrax attacks. Government propaganda uses cognitive bias to establish tribes against tribes, the good guys against the bad guys, the West versus the East, the Red People against the Blue People, etc. in order to distract its citizens, so those in power can get more power without being noticed.
Cognitive bias caused a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol.
There are over 220 types of cognitive biases which advertising and government propaganda use to cause people to make wrong decisions without their realization.

an irrational need or irresistible urge to perform some action, often despite negative consequences
Active drug addiction is characterized by both an obsession with using and a compulsion to consume harmful drugs. That means you can’t stop thinking about it (obsession) and you can’t stop doing it (compulsion).

to plan together; to settle or adjust by conference, agreement, or consultation
Antisocial propaganda providers work in a concerted manner to transmit artificial intelligence-based networks of software robots that control antisocial behavior for profit.

aware of, sensitive to; observing and noticing, or being strongly interested in or concerned about
I was conscious of a noise behind me.
We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

courage – 1
the quality of being confident, not afraid or easily intimidated, but without being incautious or inconsiderate
It takes a lot of courage to be a successful recovering addict.
He had the courage to GetAFuckingSponsor.

courage – 2
the ability to overcome one’s fear; do or live things which one finds frightening
He finally had the courage to tell her how he felt.
It takes a lot of courage to take that first step.
He has the courage to CallHisFuckingSponsor.

courage – 3
the ability to maintain one’s will or intent despite either the experience of fear, frailty or
frustration; or the occurrence of adversity, difficulty, defeat or reversal
I hope you live a life you are proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the
courage to start all over again.
It takes courage to get clean; it takes more than courage to stay clean.
He has the courage to KeepHisFuckingSponsor.

a group, sect or movement following an unorthodox religious or philosophical system of beliefs, particularly one in which members remove and exclude themselves from greater society, including family members not part of the cult, and show extreme devotion to a charismatic leader.
Two former cult members explain the difficulties they had extricating themselves from it.

sly, crafty, clever in surreptitious behavior
Addiction is cunning.

a fault or malfunction
Her character includes several defects; some charming, others not so much.
We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

inadequacy or incompleteness
When he became aware of his moral deficiencies and then reduced them, he got more friends.

conscious refusal to believe that a problem exists
We could not break through his denial that he is an addict.

significant change in or effect on a situation or state
It just won’t make much difference to me.
It just won’t make much of a difference to anyone.
What’s the difference?
My sponsor has the wisdom to know the difference.

an unexpected or man-made catastrophe of substantial extent causing significant physical damage or destruction, loss of life or sometimes permanent change to the natural environment
If you do not believe that climate change is a disaster happening right now, then someone has fucked with at least one of your cognitive biases without your realizing it happened.
If a man ever tries to propagandize me without proper lubrication, it will be a personal disaster.

discretion in judging objectively
Good sponsors display great discernment between facts and bullshit.

disorder – 1
a physical or mental malfunction
The medical definition of addiction is “severe substance use disorder” which is both a physical and a mental human malfunction.

disorder – 2
absence or order; state of not being arranged in an orderly manner
After playing, the children left the room in disorder.

disorder – 3
a disturbance of civic peace or of public order
The class was thrown into disorder when the teacher left the room.
The army tried to prevent disorder when claims the elections had been rigged grew stronger.

divine – 1
of or pertaining to a god
He sought divine intervention, but got arrested anyway.

divine – 2
beautiful, heavenly
The 12 Steps are a divine creation.

selfish, self-centered
He is a typical egocentric suffering addict.

a concept in spirituality, philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge
Sponsors provide enlightenment to sponsees.

one who is considered more social than thoughtful; one who prefers to have time in social situations
Because he is an extrovert, he attends many meetings.

a strong, uncontrollable, unpleasant emotion or feeling caused by actual or perceived danger or threat
He was struck by fear upon seeing a snake.

without fear
He made a searching and fearless moral inventory of himself.

FuckAbuseTM disorder
disorder addicts suffer from when they overuse the word “fuckin” when they talk
The FuckAbuse disorder term reminds addicts to judiciously use the word “fuckin’” when they talk.

GetAFuckingSponsor.orgTM website
the world’s first website dedicated to reducing addict suffering by telling The Truth
The website is designed for cool addicts on the road to recovery.

an obsolete initialism that stood for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, until the lesbians took over (See LGBTQ+)
Anonymous misses the GLBT glory days when men were men while the lesbians watched football and did unmentionable things in their toolsheds.

a supernatural, typically immortal, being with superior powers, to which personhood is attributed
The most frequently used name for the Islamic god is Allah.

the single deity of various monotheistic religions, especially the deity of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Dawn believes in God, but Willow believes in multiple gods and goddesses.

Google’s Bitch
consumer of incorrect, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information disseminated via advertising, entertainment news or government propaganda
Advertisers (the johns) pay Mr Google (the pimp) to send you (Google’s Bitch) to service the advertisers.
If you seek correct, accurate or complete information and expect to find it by searching the internet, then you are Google’s Bitch.
If you believe the propaganda that politicians and governments disseminate, then you are Google’s Bitch.
Unless you are paying for your news, you are getting fake news and that means you are Google’s Bitch.
Don’t be Google’s Bitch, search instead, when you need to know The Truth about something.

When you hear or see a word and you don’t know what it means, don’t be Google’s Bitch; search instead of googling the word you don’t know.

to give
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

appreciative; thankful
I am grateful that you took the time to read this.
I am grateful that I can pee standing up.
I am grateful for Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies TreatsTM crispy marshmallow squares.

the state of being grateful
With much gratitude, I thank you.

having a feeling arising from a consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, such as comfort, peace, or tranquility; blissful, contented, joyous
One day while working on Step 12, I spontaneously became happy for the first time in my life and I’ve remained happy ever since.

physical injury, hurt, damage; emotional hurt
Although not physically hurt in the car accident, she suffered psychological harm.

in this thing
I tried to avoid undefined sesquipedalianism herein.

a sudden pull
He hitched his wagon to the stars and no one has heard from him since.

excessive pride, presumption or arrogance
One would have thought that even Trump, despite all his hubris and egotism, would know better than to jump feet first into America’s most sensitive issue: racial division.
Newcomers often experience Old-Timers’ hubris when they attend their first A.A. meeting.

a new member of an organization
The initiate acted uncertain about the program’s expectations.

to wound or cause physical harm to a living creature; to damage or impair; to do injustice to
I made direct amends to all the people I had harmed, except for one person who I knew would injure me if I told him what I had done.

a detailed list of all the items on hand
When he stopped to think about his typical behaviors, his moral inventory included a total of less than 20.

mental disease; displaying unsoundness or disorder of mind; mad
Because he pleaded he was insane, the judge ordered him locked up in a mental institution.

any attempt to forestall an unfavorable event
The sky was clear, but I took my umbrella as insurance.

the state of being unable or indisposed to tolerate, endure or bear
I have lactose-intolerance, so I can’t drink milk.

one who is considered more thoughtful than social; one who prefers to have time in non-social situations
Because he is an introvert, he avoids meetings.

unfounded or nonsensical
I was arrested, charged, jailed and found guilty eight times because of my irrational behavior while high on drugs or drunk on alcohol.

a force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows; destiny, fate
Once he accepted the things he could not change, he noticed that karma was the force that actually changed those things.

a riddle with no solution, used to provoke reflection on the inadequacy of logical reasoning, and to lead to enlightenment
This website contains nearly 100 koan-like suggestions that are designed to enlighten addicts (and their friends and families) that relapse after rehab is not inevitable.

to see the truth; to be certain
I know you were right and I was wrong. Please accept my amends.

a temporary failure; a slip
To prevent a lapse, he never went anywhere where there might be drugs or alcohol that may tempt him.

to acquire the knowledge or ability to do something
I was able to learn a lot by just listening.

an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus everyone else who wants to sit at the cool kids’ table (See GLBT)
Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook announced that he is a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community.

a story told by Anonymous to the kids sitting at the LGBTQ+ table
After Anonymous jumped off the bandwagon, he joined the LGBTQIA2SMOUSEXYZ+ community and now roams around anonymously like Batman who fights addiction profiteers and helps reduce addict suffering by telling The Truth.

the state of organisms preceding their death, characterized by biological processes and distinguishing them from inanimate objects
He gave up on life.

having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others; having an evil or harmful influence; to do bad; possessing or manifesting indifference for mankind; uncharitable, bad, unjust or unfair
Malevolent behavior causes the worst psychological damage.
Parents who are malevolent toward their children unwittingly cause trauma that often leads to addiction.

a succinct statement or observation of a rule of conduct or moral teaching
“One Day At A Time” is a popular 12-step program maxim.

a substance which specifically promotes healing when ingested or consumed in some way; a pharmaceutical drug
If you take too many morphine pills, you may become addicted to that medicine.
If you take too many aspirin, that
medicine might make you barf; but, you will never become addicted to aspirin.

careful and thorough thought
Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique–such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity–to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
Through meditation he improved his conscious contact with the God of his own understanding.

a mindset; a way of thinking; a set of beliefs
Before he can succeed, he will have to shed the mentality that he can get by without hard work.

an underlying theme or conclusion to be drawn from something
Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, he tried to carry this message to his fellow addicts–both recovering addicts and addicts who still suffer.

a large or disorderly group of people; particularly one bent on riotous or destructive action.
So-called “mob mentality” is a quintessential cognitive bias.

of or relating to the principles of right and wrong behavior
He made a searching and fearless moral inventory of himself.
His moral inventory was twice as long the second time he wrote it, because his sponsor suggested he also needed to include his right behaviors in addition to his wrong behaviors.

the way things are
He admitted to the God of his understanding, himself and to his sponsor the exact nature of both his right and his wrong behaviors.

of or relating to an object, actual existence or reality
The video conclusively showed the objective truth that she was guilty of the crime.

inflexible, old-fashioned
Because I am ossified, I read books; I will never understand why so many people like to watch television.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
a self-supporting organization of addicts, which provides mutual support to obtain and maintain a clean and sober life
Need help with addiction? Narcotics Anonymous has a solution.

the particular way someone or something is
It is not in my nature to steal.

a compulsive or irrational preoccupation; an unhealthy fixation
His obsession with using drugs consumed his every waking moment.

the belief that the universe is in some sense divine and should be revered
Pantheism identifies the universe with God but denies any personality or transcendence of such a God.
Anonymous is a pantheist who believes in the God of Spinoza.
Pantheism is the only religion that is not man-made.

a very hypocritical person; the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs
Most A.A./NA World Services, Inc. executives are Pecksniffs.
Most residential drug and alcohol treatment facility executives are Pecksniffs.

personal sovereignty
the liberty to decide one’s thoughts and actions
Except for the ruling elite, the citizens of North Korea have no personal sovereignty.

an irrational, abnormal or obsessive fear (of something)
I know someone with a strange phobia of ladders.
It seems to me that it is completely rational and normal to fear sticking a needle into yourself. That’s not a needle 

a person with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge
Anonymous is an aspiring polymath who understands that he will never achieve such a lofty aspiration.

ability to do or undergo something
He summoned his inner power to make it through one more day clean and sober.
The power that restored my sanity was the Narcotics Anonymous program and its members. Thanks guys!

a button of a computer, a video game console, or similar device, that when pressed, causes the device to be either shut down or powered up
And all along I thought Power with capital P had something to do with God or god.

having, or capable of exerting power, potency or influence
Addiction is powerful.

lacking sufficient power or strength
He admitted that he is powerless over his hatred of white people.

repetition of an activity to improve a skill
He tried to practice the 12 Step principles in all his affairs.

the practice of communicating with one’s God, or with some spiritual entity
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
He said a prayer to God while she said a prayer to Allah, and then they went to Denny’s for pancakes, where they noticed a whole table of people praying that the waitress would hurry up and bring them their omelets.

distracted thought
His preoccupation with drugs caused him to forget everything else.

a fundamental assumption or guiding belief
We tried to practice these principles in all our affairs.

incorrect information typically using cognitive bias as subterfuge aimed at influencing opinions or behavior of large numbers of people
a concerted set of of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior or large numbers of people
Antisocial propaganda providers work in a concerted manner to transmit artificial intelligence-based networks of software robots that control antisocial behavior for profit.
Alphabet (Google, YouTube), Meta Platforms (Facebook, Instagram), ByteDance (TikTok) and the rest of their ilk profit from antisocial propaganda addiction.
Amazon (AWS) profits from antisocial propaganda by tracking who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. 
In response to the September 11, 2001 attack on the New York World Trade Center buildings and subsequent anthrax attacks, the Patriot Act that legalized using propaganda against United States citizens was signed into law by President George W. Bush.

the most perfect example of; the ultimate
Lying is a quintessential addict behavior.

logically sound; not contradictory or otherwise absurd
His rational argument to look in a completely different way at her unending relapse problem finally changed what she believed.

the state of being actual or real
The reality of the crash scene he saw on TV dawned on him only when he saw the victim was not an actor but was his friend.

recovering addict
an addict who no longer consumes the substance that he is addicted to
She is a recovering alcohol addict.
He is a recovering drug addict.
Although he is a recovering addict with 20 years clean, he still works the 12 Steps at least 15 minutes ever day because he understands that there is no hurry in recovery because he will never been done recovering.

a return to normal health
He enjoyed a complete recovery from the surgery.
Although he is a recovering addict with 20 years clean, he still works the 12 Steps at least 15 minutes every day because he understands that there is no hurry in recovery because he will never been done recovering.

to fall back again; to slide or turn back into a former state or practice
As insurance against relapse I moved to a new town the day I completed rehab and started my life over in a new place with all new friends.

any practice to which someone or some group is seriously devoted
At this point, Star Trek has really become a religion.
The world’s four most popular religions are (in order from most popular): Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

to bring back to good condition from a state of decay or ruin
As a power greater than myself, the Narcotics Anonymous program and all its members collectively restored my sanity.

complying with justice, correctness or reason; correct, just, true

He always picks up cigarette butts outside the NA meeting because it’s the right thing to do.
He got the right answer.

reasonable and rational behavior
All of the Narcotics Anonymous program members I met collectively helped restore my sanity.
When I stopped to think about what the 12 Steps meant to me, my sanity slowly returned and I became happy.

thorough; looking over closely
He made a searching and fearless moral inventory of himself.

confidence in one’s own worth; self-respect
He walked into rooms with his head held high due to his strong self-esteem.

the quality of being willful and ignoring opposition
Because he failed to stop and think about the problem, his self-will caused him to believe that he was right, even when everyone else noticed that he was wrong.

calmness, peacefulness; a lack of agitation or disturbance
After completing the 12 Steps, she lives a life of serenity.

assisting someone
In accordance with Tradition 8, a sponsor must never charge a fee or anything else for his A.A. or NA service work.

The practice of using long or obscure words in speech or writing.
Sesquipedalianism is a waste of ink.

The more work I do on this goddamn program, the more I realize how many fucking shortcomings I have. Oh well, nobody’s perfect. Progress along spiritual principles is the goal.

of or relating to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind; mental; intellectual
A.A. and NA are spiritual, not religious, programs with a Christian foundation.

ill will or hatred toward another, accompanied with the desire to irritate, annoy, or thwart; a want to disturb or put out another; mild malice
Spiteful words or actions are delivered in such a way that it is clear that the person is delivering them just to annoy, hurt, or upset.
He was so filled with spite for his ex-wife, his brother was afraid of what he might do.
His motivation remains constantly spiteful, undercutting his own existence and ability to live.

The “feeling crabby?” suggestion on this website best describes spite.

a member of a 12-step or similar program who agrees to be guided by a sponsor and form a partnership with him
Sponsees help their sponsors stay clean and sober in more ways than their sponsors often appreciate.
Sponsees who fail to get their own sponsees within six months after joining a 12-step or similar program are stealing from that program.

a member of a 12-step or similar program who agrees to guide a sponsee and form a partnership with him
My sponsor taught me how to work the 12 Steps and stay off drugs.

a distinct part of a process; stage; phase
He improved step by step.
The first step is to find a job.

below the level of consciousness
The sense of smell can be a subconscious influence on our actions.

an indirect or deceptive device or stratagem; a blind. Refers especially to war and diplomatics; deception; misrepresentation of the true nature of an activity
Advertising and government propaganda subterfuge results in increased profits and more compliant citizens, respectively, due to the power of cognitive bias to cause humans to believe things that are not true.

suffering addict
an addict who regularly consumes the substance that he is addicted to
She is a suffering alcohol addict.
He is a suffering drug addict.
Did you notice all the suffering addicts over there who are reading the website on their smartphones?

hint, incitement, proposal
I ignored her suggestion to get a haircut before the job interview, but I got the job anyway because I studied the website.

the ability of the body to resist the action of a poison, to cope with a dangerous drug
He developed a tolerance for meth.

loss or damage incurred through a disaster; a fee paid for some liberty
or privilege
Forty-two years of drug and alcohol abuse took a heavy toll on my health.
Thank you for helping me pay my data transfer tolls.

a mechanical device intended to make a task easier
Hand me that tool please. I don’t have the right tools to start fiddling around with the engine.

an assembly of tools
It seems that you can never have enough tools in your toolkit.
The website is a toolkit for recovering addicts who don’t
want to relapse.

a system of government in which the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control, for example, a dictatorship
North Korea has a quintessential totalitarian government.


the state of being free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a deity
Because there is no scientific evidence of transcendence, he believes in pantheism.

an emotional wound leading to psychological injury
When she witnessed him torturing that puppy, she suffered trauma.

true facts, genuine depiction, statements of reality
The truth is there a select few people who know a lot more than they are letting on.
It is often said that the first casualty of war is the truth.

not disconcerted or embarrassed
Anonymous is unabashed about raising money for the truly benevolent 180 House half-way house 501(c)(3) charity that saved his life.

opinion; judgment
The God of my understanding changes from time to time.

the sum of everything that exists in the cosmos
The universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy, including God and god.

uncontrollable, unworkable
I admitted that my life was unmanageable, although I did not yet agree that I was an addict, because I was suffering from anosognosia.
When I woke up under a bridge on a cold winter morning, I finally admitted that my life was unmanageable and that, if I didn’t start doing something different, I would probably end up in prison or a mental institution or dead.

not wise, lacking wisdom
It is unwise to attempt recovery without a good sponsor.

a usually alphabetized and explained set of words prepared for a specific purpose, often for learning
The Addictionary dictionary is a vocabulary designed for addicts.

a free-content online encyclopedia founded in 2001, collaboratively developed over the World Wide Web in a number of languages.
Without Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) and Wiktionary (the free dictionary), could not have been created. Thanks everyone!

a collaborative project run by the Wikimedia Foundation to produce a free and complete dictionary in every language; the dictionaries, collectively, produced by that project
Without Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia) and Wiktionary (the free dictionary), the website could not have been created. Thanks everyone!

one’s independent faculty of choice; to exercise one’s choice or intention
He tried to make the world stop spinning in a futile attempt at self-will.

an element of personal character that enables one to distinguish the wise from the unwise
She had the wisdom to know the difference between right behavior and wrong behavior, while he had no such wisdom.

showing good judgment or the benefit of experience
Storing extra food for the winter was a wise decision.

a type of metabolic shock the body undergoes when a substance, usually a toxin such as heroin, to which a patient is dependent is withheld
Methadone withdrawal is even worse than heroin withdrawal.

immoral, not good, bad; incorrect
It is wrong to lie.
He got the wrong answer.
What you believe is wrong and I will believe that you are wrong until you give me a new way to think about what you believe.

yeoman’s service
arduous work, performed in a vigorous, committed manner
I devoted a yeoman’s service for the cause. And that’s The Truth.


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