clean drugs?
Q: Are opiates a relatively “clean” drug in the sense that they don’t cause a lot of physical damage to the body when compared with alcohol?
A: When it comes to physical damage to the human body, opiates are just as dirty as alcohol.
No one can tell just by looking at this picture if he is a suffering heroin addict or a suffering alcohol addict (alcoholic) or a dual addict–i.e., suffering from “severe substance use disorder”–or if he is suffering from other mental disorders. In any case, the physical damage to the human body caused by mental disorder(s) that result from both physical and emotional (typically childhood) trauma(s) is always the same.
The only difference among addictions is the consequences of what you are addicted to. Although drug/alcohol addiction has dire consequences, my addiction to the caffeine in coffee has few, if any, consequences. It took 50 years for the consequences of my addiction to nicotine to result in emphysema. I am able to control my diabetes that is a consequence of my life-long sugar addiction with expensive, profitable drugs–and I can never eat ice cream again.
Because addicts love what they are addicted to more than anything or anyone else, they typically hold onto false beliefs until they hit bottom and are forced to face the reality that the love of their life does not love them at all.
Every year, 150,000,000 suffering addicts hit bottom around the world and decide that it’s time to become a recovering addict.
Until a suffering drug addict or alcohol addict (alcoholic) hits bottom and decides to become a recovering addict, and then learns from an addiction recovery sponsor how to become a non-relapsing recovering addict, his addiction will inevitably spiral down to either jail/prison, a mental institution or an early death; and, somewhere along the way, relapsing addicts always end up losing their jobs, all of their friends and lovers, and, finally, their families give up on them too.
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